When felons experience financial difficulty they may not know where to turn. It can be difficult to get help if you are not sure where to go to apply for it. The important thing during these times is to ensure that your basic needs are being met, while you work toward improving your financial situation. The good news is that there are welfare benefits for felons, which will help to meet all of your basic needs during rough times.
Welfare benefits for felons are largely made possible by the federal government. The federal government has created a safety net to help people when they do not have the money they need to meet their basic needs. The programs are available across the country, so it should be convenient for most people to apply for them.
The welfare benefits for felons that are listed below are grant programs. This means that, unlike with loans, you will not have to pay any of the funds back. You will be able to receive the assistance and not have the stress of worrying about paying it back. The grants from these welfare benefits for felons are available on both a short and long term basis, depending on particular program.
Welfare Benefits for Felons
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – This program, which is federally funded, provides felons who are qualified with a grant to obtain food. The program used to be called food stamps and is largely still known by the name. If you qualify for SNAP, you will receive an electronic debit card where the funds will be added each month. The card can then be used to pay for your food items at the store or farmers market. The amount of your grant depends on the number of people in your household. Qualifications for this program include meeting the low income requirements, and being a citizen or legal alien. To get more information about SNAP or apply, click here.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – This program provides felons who qualify with a monthly cash grant. The cash can be used for a wide variety of living expenses, including buying food, paying rent, paying for bills, transportation costs, and more. The amount you receive depends on the number of people in your household. To qualify for this grant program you have to have a low income, be a citizen or legal alien, and you have to have a minor child you are providing care for. Felons who do not have a minor child they are providing care for may qualify for a sister program called General Assistance. This program is similar to TANF, but doesn’t require you to have any children. Not every state offers General Assistance, but some do. To apply for TANF, click here.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) – Felons who have difficulty paying for their utility bills may qualify for a grant through LIHEAP. This program provides felons who qualify with a grant that will pay one heating bill per year. You will need to reapply every year that you need the assistance. To qualify for the help you have to have a low income and be the person responsible for paying the utility bill. This program is run in local areas by a block grant by the government. Therefore, you will need to get your application in early, because the funds each season are limited. To get more information or apply for a LIHEAP grant, click here.
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – This federally run program provides housing assistance for felons around the country. They will help with paying rent, avoiding foreclosure, and providing weatherization services for your home. They also have a program called Section 8, which provides felons with public housing. This option consists of living in housing units that are owned by the federal government. To qualify for HUD housing assistance you have to have a low income and be a citizen or legal alien. The program is national, but you will end up working with your local public housing authority. To learn more about HUD or get housing assistance, click here.
Medicaid – Felons who need help paying for medical care may qualify for the federal program called Medicaid. Felons who are approved for this program will get free health care, including for hospital stays, doctors visits, and prescription drugs. To qualify, you have to have a low income and be a legal citizen. To get more information, click here.
The above welfare benefits for felons are a good way to get financial help when money is tight. They will help pay your bills, provide you with food, help with housing, and more. Plus, there is no limit to the number of these programs that you can apply for at once, so be sure to apply for as many as you feel you qualify for.