Credit is essential for many people to be able to purchase a home or vehicle, or make other purchases. What your credit score is can help determine whether or not you are able to get a credit extension, or what interest rate you will pay. Felons who have poor credit may find it difficult to get credit or a good interest rate. This makes it important to take measures to improve and strengthen your credit.
Cleaning up your credit can be difficult if you don’t know where to begin. The good news is that there are organizations that offer free or low cost credit counseling to felons. By taking advantage of credit counseling, felons can be effective at improving their credit score. Once a credit score is improved, then it is easier to get credit extended to you and to get better interest rates.
In addition to the impact that one’s credit has on your ability to make affordable purchases, it can also impact your job prospects. There are many jobs today that will view your credit score in an attempt to gather information about you. A low credit score could stop you from being able to get hired at some job positions. The efforts you make to improve your counseling will be well worth it.
Organizations that Offer Free or Low Cost Credit Counseling to Felons
Catholic Charities – This organization offers locations around the country. They provide many helpful services that felons can take advantage of, including counseling services. The credit counseling services offered by Catholic Charities are free and helpful to everyone who needs assistance with understanding their credit and how to improve it. They do not have strict guidelines regarding who can receive the credit counseling services. The first steps to take is to locate a Catholic Charities organization near you, and inquire if they offer credit counseling services at that location. The service varies by location, so if they don’t offer it they may be able to provide you information on where to obtain it locally. To get more details, click here.
Credit Coaching – This company offers free and low cost credit counseling services for felons. Their service pairs you with a credit coach, who will help you with your specific credit needs. They teach you how to manage your finances, determine which debt to pay off first, and more. Your credit coach will tailor the program to your specific situation. In addition to credit counseling, they offer foreclosure education, bankruptcy education, and more. To learn more about Credit Coaching, click here.
InCharge Debt Solutions – This is a debt solution company that offers ongoing counseling services to felons. There is a small monthly fee, starting at $25, for the service. The debt counselor you will work helps you find the best solutions to address your needs. They also show you how to become debt free without taking out a loan to pay some of the debt off. Some of the things this company can help felons do with their debt include lowering your interest rates, reducing your monthly payments, stop the harassing phone calls from companies you owe, and how to consolidate your bills. To learn more, click here.
National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) – This organization provides free credit counseling to felons. The organization was started in 1951 and has helped many people improve their credit. They help felons with their credit card debt, home related debt, student loans, and more. Their counseling service sessions take around 30 minutes. During that time, you will speak with a credit counselor who will address your individual credit concerns and help guide you toward the best way to handle them. They will help you learn to eliminate late fees, over limit charges, stop collection calls, lower interest rates, consolidate debt, pay off debt faster, and improve your money habits. To learn more about the NFCC, click here.
Financial Counseling Association of America (FCAA) – This organization provides ongoing counseling services to felons. They provide counseling services to help with first time home purchasing, helping to address foreclosure risks, bankruptcy issues, and more. Additional issues they can help provide guidance on include student loan debt, and credit counseling services. Once you sign up with the organization they will match you with a credit counselor, who will work with you to help address your specific needs. To get more information, click here.
In addition to the above organizations offering free or low cost credit counseling for felons, check with your local library system. Many libraries offer credit counseling classes that are free and open to anyone in the community. These classes are held just a couple of times per year, but may be worth checking out and putting on your schedule. The assistance will be free, local, and most likely helpful.