Housing Assistance for Ex-Felons in Illinois

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Illinois is one of the more affordable states to live in. It is estimated that the cost of living in the state is around 8% lower than in other states. Even with the cost of living a bit lower, there will still be people who struggle financially, for a variety of reasons. When this happens it is important to know of programs that they can turn to in order to get help and ensure that their basic needs are being met. There are a variety of programs that offer housing assistance for ex-felons in Illinois, and they can provide a safety net for those struggling financially.

The programs that offer housing assistance for ex-felons in Illinois are made possibly largely by the federal government. There are also programs provided by the state government, and those that are made possible by non-profit organizations. Together, the programs help people meet their basic housing needs locate affordable housing options, help pay rent and keep people from losing their homes due to foreclosure.

There is no limit to how many programs you can apply for at one time or get help from, so be sure to reach out to all those that you feel qualified for. Most programs help those who have a low income. The financial assistance you receive from the programs is not considered a loan, so you will not have to pay it back. The programs help to keep people from being homeless and they meet their basic housing needs.

Programs Offering Housing Assistance for Ex-Felons in Illinois

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – This is the largest agency in the state that is focused on helping people with their housing needs. It is a federal agency that is in all states and aims to prevent and reduce homelessness as much as possible. They do offer housing assistance for ex-felons in Illinois, as well as for others. They offer a variety of programs to help people, including helping to locate affordable housing options. If you are struggling to pay your rent or mortgage, they may also be able to help you with that. Additionally, they own housing units around the state and through their Section 8 program they will allow people to live in them for free. If you would like to reduce your monthly utility bills they also help with that through free weatherization services. To get help through HUD, you have to have a low income and be a legal resident. To get more information about HUD in Illinois, click here.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) – The USDA rural development program is made possible by the federal government. The mission of the program is to encourage people to live in rural areas around the state. They offer housing assistance for ex-felons in Illinois if they are willing to live rurally. Those who qualify for the program will be able to get low interest loans and grants that are used to purchase or build a home in a rural area of Illinois. The program will also help with other housing issues, such as making repairs on single family houses. To get more information about the USDA rural development program, click here.

Illinois Housing Authority – This state funded organization will help people locate affordable housing options within Illinois. They also offer programs to help provide housing assistance for ex-felons and others who have a low income and need help. They will help people who are homeowners and renters alike. To get more information about the programs they offer, click here.

 Illinois Department of Human Services – This state run program offers a variety of helpful services for those who have a low income and need assistance. They do offer housing assistance for ex-felons in Illinois, as well as for others who meet the qualifications. They offer a supportive housing program, which helps people who are homeless or at risk for becoming homeless. Additionally, they provide help with counseling, job training, transportation, and more. To get more information, click here.

Inner Voice – This is a non-profit organization that offers several programs, including housing assistance for ex-felons in Illinois. Some of the programs they offer include a supportive housing program, families in transition, and a homeless program. The supportive housing program and families in transition program helps families and individuals who need assistance. They work with at-risk communities to provide housing assistance for those who need it. To get more information about their programs, click here.

Fellowship Housing – This is a housing assistance program for moms and their children. The mothers can be ex-felons and receive housing assistance from this program. The program is two years in length, and helps people become self sufficient during that time. They work with you for the two years with case management, so that you learn to save money, budget, improve credit score, reduce debt, and ultimately lead to buying or renting your own long term home. To get more information about this program, click here.

Shelter Care – This non-profit organization offers housing assistance for ex-felons in Illinois. They offer emergency housing assistance, transitional housing, and permanent housing support. With these programs, the person receives full or partial rent assistance for a period of time. To qualify for this program, you have to have minor children you are caring for, you have to be homeless, and the head of the household has to have a disability. To get more information about the program, click here.

There are likely churches in your local area that also offer housing assistance programs. Many churches have programs in place to help people in the community who are struggling financially. Reach out to churches in your area to see if they can help you with housing assistance, or if they can give you referrals to programs in the area that can help you. They may work with or can refer you to locally run programs that can help with housing assistance, including paying rent or mortgages, and other helpful resources.

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