Utah has numerous grant programs that felons can turn to during financially difficult times. The programs will ensure that their basic needs are being met, while they work to better their situation. The programs in place will help pay rent, provide food, pay utility bills, and provide healthcare services. The programs are provided by the federal, state, and local governments. There are both long and short term grant programs available to help people in Utah.
If you receive any grants you can feel stress free, because you will not have to pay them back. Unlike loans, grants are considered to be like gifts that are given to people during times when they need financial help. There is no limit to the number of grant programs you can receive help from at one time, so be sure to apply for all of them that you qualify for.
Grants for Felons in Utah
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – This federally funded program will provide those who qualify with a monthly cash grant. The cash can be used to pay for a wide variety of living expenses, including food, medication, paying bills, rent, transportation, and more. To qualify for a TANF grant, you have to have a low income and be providing care for at least one minor child. This program is also limited to those who are legal citizens. To apply for TANF in Utah, click here.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – Utah offers SNAP to help those who need help purchasing food. The program, formerly known as food stamps, will provide those who qualify with a monthly grant that can be used to purchase food. The grant is electronically added each month to a debit card, and then the card can be used to pay for groceries at the store or farmers market. The amount of your monthly benefit is determined by the number of people in your household. Some people may have to participate in a work program to receive SNAP. The program is open to everyone who has a low income, including some non-citizens. To apply, click here.
Medicaid – The Medicaid program in Utah is federally funded and part of the national program of the same name. The program will pay for medical care for those who have a low income. If you are approved, you will be able to get free doctor visits, emergency care, prescription drugs, dental care, substance abuse treatment, and more. To qualify, you have to meet the low income guidelines. To get more information or apply for Medicaid in Utah, click here.
General Assistance (GA) – This program provides cash grants to those who do not have any minor children they are caring for. To qualify, you have to meet the low income and asset requirements. Those who are approved for the GA program will receive a monthly cash grant that can be used for their living expenses. To apply, click here.
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Felons who need help meeting their housing needs may qualify for assistance through HUD. This federally funded program will help people pay rent, avoid foreclosure, receive weatherization services, and purchase a home. To receive assistance from HUD, you have to be a legal citizen and meet the low income guidelines. HUD also owns several housing complexes, called Section 8, where people can live for a low monthly fee. To learn more about HUD in Utah, click here.
Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT) – This program helps people by paying for their heating bill. Those who qualify for the grant will have one heating bill paid per year. You will need to re-apply each year that you need the assistance. To qualify, you have to have a low income and be the person responsible for paying the bill. The household must also have at least one legal citizen in the household. The program will also help with crisis situations, such as receiving a shutoff notice. To apply, click here.
Lifeline – This program helps people with their phone bill. Those who qualify will receive a free mobile phone that has texting, voicemail, and data. To qualify for the free government phone through Lifeline, you have to have a low income. If you are already receiving grants from other programs, such as TANF or SNAP, then you may automatically be qualified for the Lifeline phone. To apply, click here.
In addition to the above grants for felons in Utah, be sure to see what types of programs are offered by your local churches and non-profit organizations. They often help people in the community by providing them with hot meals, boxes of food, clothing, transportation vouchers, and more. The programs offered vary by geographic location and the church or organization. Contact several of them to learn more about the local programs they offer those who need assistance.