Felons may find that once in a while they need some additional financial help. There may be emergency situations that lead to financial problems, or bills that arise that you were not expecting. It can be challenging to come up with additional money to pay for things if your income remains the same over time. Felons who need additional financial help may qualify for a $1,000 Personal Grant form MicroGrants.
MicroGrants is an organization that provides $1,000 personal grants. Felons can qualify for the small grants that they give out all year long. The grants are largely to help pay for such things as small business goals, transportation needs, and educational goals. If you have a need for a small personal grant, you may qualify for the assistance.
Grants, unlike loans, do not ever have to be paid back. If you are awarded one of the $1,000 grants that the MicroGrants organization gives out each year, you will not have to ever pay it back. It is considered to be a gift that is given to someone to help them with their situation or to help them reach their goal. If approved, you will receive the grant with no strings attached.
About $1,000 Personal Grants from MicroGrants
Many of the grants that are available today are given only to organizations or businesses. It is not as common to find grants that are given out to individuals. That’s what sets MicroGrants apart from other grant programs. Felons can apply for and receive a grant from MicroGrants, because they provide grants to individuals.
Here are some things to keep in mind about the $1,000 Personal Grants from MicroGrants:
- The grants given out by the MicroGrants organization are for personal use. Individuals can apply for the grants. Felons who have a personal need may qualify for the grants they provide.
- To qualify for the MicroGrants you have to have a low income. The mission in giving felons grants through this program is to help them invest in and improve their lives.
- The three main areas where most of the grants are made include education, small business, and transportation.
- Grants that are given out for education purposes go to help pay for training programs or expenses related to educational training. Grants given out for small business are used for purchasing supplies, making improvements, or to help with the costs associated with starting a small business. Transportation grants can be used to repair your vehicle, purchase a car, or to pay for obtaining your driver’s license.
- The grants provided by MicroGrants are made possible by donations that the organization gets from individuals and corporations. They work with partner agencies in an effort to raise funds to give out to people to help improve their lives. Some of the agencies that they partner with to make the grants possible include Goodwill, Easter Seals, and Emerge.
- The most you can get from a MicroGrants is $1,000. To apply, you have to contact one of their partner agencies, which are listed on their website.
- Once you contact one of their partner agencies they will take your grant application. The partnering agency submits the grant applications directly to MicroGrants. Once they are received, they will review the applications and determine who will be awarded the grant funds.
- You can apply for a grant every year if you need one. Just continue to go through one of their partner agencies. While you can apply for a grant for anything you have a particular need for, you will have more success at getting awarded the funds if it falls into one of the three main categories that they fund. Most of their grants fall into one of those three main categories, although there are some grants given out that do not meet those criteria.
Making Improvements
Felons who need additional help paying for something they need or want to do may be a great fit for one of the $1,000 Personal Loans from MicroGrants. Their mission is to help people improve their lives. Being able to help felons improve their lives and achieve their goals fits in well with their mission.
MicroGrants is a helpful program that can be an important tool for felons who need help paying certain bills. Those who need help paying for a training program, with fixing or purchasing a car, or they have an idea for starting a small business should apply. They may find that they can get the $1,000 grant to help with their needs. Having a business idea or needing a vehicle to get back and forth to work or to school are things they will help fund. It’s a good idea to apply for the grant and see if you can get approved. It may just help you reach your goals.